On September 11, catalonia commemorates the 1714 Siege of Barcelona defeat during the War of the Spanish succession. As a punishment for their support to the claim oh Habsburg Archduke Charles to the throne of Spain, institutions and rights of the territories of the crown of Catalonia and Aragon werw abolished by the victorious absolutist Bourbon mornachy.
In 1980 the restored Generalitat de Catalunya (autonomous governement of Catalonia), as its firs public act proclaimed 11 September La Diada, the Catalan National holiday.
Organitations and political parties traditionally lay floral offerings the monuments of Rafael Casanova and General Moragues for their fight against the Borboun army.
Catalan nationalists also meet in the Fossar de les Moreres, where they and celebration events many citizens wave either senyeres or estelades and hang them on their balconies.
Catalunya triomfant, Catalonia triumphanttornarà a ser rica i plena. Will once again be rich and bountiful,Endarrera aquesta gent Drive them back, these peopletan ufana i tan superba. So conceited and so arrogant.
Bon cop de falç, A good blow with the sickle,Bon cop de falç, A good blow with the sickle,Defensors de la terra! Defenders of the land!Bon cop de falç! A good blow with the sickle!
Ara és hora, segadors. Now is the time, reapers,Ara és hora d'estar alerta. Now is the time to be alert.Per quan vingui un altre juny For when another June comes,esmolem ben bé les eines. Let us sharpen our tools well.
Bon cop de falç, A good blow with the sickle,Bon cop de falç, A good blow with the sickle,Defensors de la terra! Defenders of the land!Bon cop de falç! A good blow with the sickle!
Que tremoli l'enemic Let the enemy trembleen veient la nostra ensenya. On seeing our banner.Com fem caure espigues d'or, Just as we cut down golden stalks of wheat,quan convé seguem cadenes. When the time is right, we can hack chains.
Bon cop de falç, A good blow with the sickle,Bon cop de falç, A good blow with the sickle,Defensors de la terra! Defenders of the land!Bon cop de falç! A good blow with the sickle!